3.3.12. Cell and Face Weights File Cell Weights

Cell weights files have the same format as model files. When creating cells weights:

  • All cells must be assigned a weight values larger than 0! This is to ensure the problem is sufficiently well-conditioned.

  • Model weight values should be set relative to a value of 1. This is to ensure the relative emphasis on model weights and surface weights is preserved. A value of 1 implies that no cell weighting is being applied.

  • Large model weights (\(w \gg 1\) ) are used for cells that we want to match the reference model.

  • Small model weights (\(w \ll 1\) ) are used for cells to reduce the impact of the reference model on the cells. Interface Weights

Interface weights files contain the interface weights in x, y and z in a single column vectors; as the number of faces in x, y and z may differ. When creating interface weights:

  • All interface weights must be larger than 0! This is to ensure the problem is sufficiently well-conditioned.

  • Interface weight value should be set relative to a value of 1. This is to ensure the relative emphasis on model weights and surface weights is preserved. A value of 1 implies that no interface weighting is being applied.

  • Large interface weights (\(w \gg 1\) ) preserve gradients within reference model.

  • Small interface weights (\(w \ll 1\) ) results in smoother gradients within