3. Elements of the Program

This section provides a brief description of each program in the E3D version 2 package. In addition, we describe the file formats for all input and supporting files used by the coding library.

3.1. Program Library

The main executable programs within the E3D version 2 program library are:

  • e3d_v2: single executable file for carrying out forward modeling and inversion of FEM data

  • create_octree_mesh_e3d_v2: creates a the OcTree mesh based on transmitter and receiver locations

The following Octree utility programs may also be helpful:

  • blk3cellOct: creates a conductivity model on the OcTree mesh

  • create_weight_file: creates cell weighting for the recovered model

  • interface_weights: creates weights on the faces of cells for the recovered model

3.2. Main Input Files

Here, we describe the main input files for executables contained with the E3D version 2 package.

3.3. Supporting Files

Here, we describe the formats of supporting files used to run e3d_v2.exe. The input files for each executable program are described in the running the programs section.